Recent Published Poetry

Recent Published Poetry

i don’t live
without risk

it’s natural
a part of life

i do the first thing
that comes to mind

every time i respond

i simply react

there’ll be consequences

so i do it

it’s expedient
it’s necessary
it’s my job

i have somewhere to be.

‘mod rock road’ first published November 2023 The Closed Eye Open Issue X edited Daniel Morgan Issue X.pdf - Google Drive
[i need not know]

you are a divorcee
living with aged parents

reliant on dumpster food

complex health issues
and off your medication

now incontinent
and unemployable

while alongside me
as a passenger
on public transport

from which a seat change
is a humiliation.

First published At Maya’s Micros Edited by Maya Highland January 18th, 2024
Maya’s Micros Ed. 26 – The Closed Eye Open

i quickly
became uncomfortable

i did not fit in

Jack said my notebook
looked like a bible

i sooked off
overcome with memories
that still creep me out

with behaviour modification
working insincerity

his wife asked
why i was in the corner
and i joked about being a dunce

you know like school days

it fell to the floor lame as a byline

and i wondered if a linguist
could improve my diction

someone who knew better
to help me converse
so that when i opened my mouth
it did not simply sound ‘he brew’

finally i slipped away
caught Jack’s eye

nodded my farewell

i shan’t do that again
too many old men in the world

the drive home was a bastard.

‘at the reading’ first published Impspired Magazine 1st December 2023 edited by Steve Cawte Geoffrey Aitken – impspired  Facebook


it appears

the news

cannot stop
some people

making it credible

regardless of

First published in STREETCAKE Magazine Nikki Dudley & Trini Decombe Managing Editors pronouns: she/her March 2024 issue_89.pdf (
there’s an irony

in that
camouflage hat

by the ‘open mic’ poet

who wishes to be

though not seen.

first published at Livina Press in Issue 7 by E-i-C Laci Felker 

now i only imagine
walking Portabella Road

the Electric Cinema ahead
railway overpass beyond

Club membership card in-hand
for comfort and choice seating

with lipped cigarillo
watching a screen modernity

now only flash backs
of Boomtown Rat ambiguity
coloured by acid punk converse

defiantly belonging
to a past

awaiting new age interpretations
to identify road music

for untouchable destinations
               lagging in my mind.

first published in unusual work Issue 37, April ‘24